New Years Eve looks that never fail


Are you ready for New Years Eve!? If you haven't found the perfect look yet, these are some  looks that never fail on New Years Eve.  I hope you like the inspiration! Happy New Years 2015!

Red Lips:  There is nothing more festive than sexy red lips. Wear this look with a neutral eye make-up to let the lips stand out.

Black Eyeliner:  The Winged eyes look is very versatile. There are so many different shapes to choose according to your eyes shape. It just take some practice and patient to get the perfect winged eyes.

Red Nails:  Red nails are a MUST during the holidays - you can add some glitter for a festive look.

Metallic Eyes:  You can wear this look with nude lips and neutral eye shadows to let the metallic eyeliner be the center of attention.

Defined Eyebrows:  Are you fierce enough to break up the rules? Defined eyebrows, Long lashes and red lips are permitted on New Years Eve!

Soft Wavy Hair:  You don’t have to spend the hair spray bottle to keep your curls thigh enough to last through the night. The softer curls the better to achieve the “not trying so hard” look.


Estas lista para la noche de Año Nuevo? si todavía no has encontrado el maquillaje perfecto, estos son algunos tips que nunca fallan. Espero que te guste la inspiración. Feliz Año Nuevo 2015!

Labios Rojos:  No hay nada más festivo que unos labios rojos. Usa este look con un maquillaje de ojos en tonos neutrales, para dejar que los labios se destaquen.

Ojos de Gato:  El maquillaje “ojos de gato” es muy versátil. Existen distintas formas que van de acuerdo a la forma de tus ojos.  Toma un poco de práctica y paciencia obtener el  delineado de ojos perfecto.

Red Nails:  Un esmalte de uñas en color rojo son una necesidad durante las fiestas. Puedes añadir un poco de brillo en tonos color oro. 

Ojos Metálicos:  Si te gusta maquillarte, eres audaz y te gusta tratar nuevas tendencias este es el look que puedes adoptar para no pasar desapercibida. Los puedes usar con labios desnudos y sombras de ojos en colores neutros para que el delineador de ojos metálico sea el centro de atención.

Las Cejas Definidas:  ¿Eres lo suficientemente atrevida para romper las reglas? Cejas definidas, pestañas largas y labios rojos están permitidos en la fiesta de Año Nuevo.

Cabello en Ondas Suaves:  No tienes que gastar la botella de spray fijador para que tus rizos duren toda la noche. Mientras más suaves los rizos mejor para lograr el look descontraído.

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Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment, I appreciate the love! 

With much Love,

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  1. Love the cosmetic post and to me a defined brow is a must!

  2. I am definitely going to have to keep these tips in mind when I get ready tomorrow! Perfect tips! Hope you have a great New Year's!

  3. Great beauty post and excellent tips!

  4. Yep you can never go wrong with a bold lip for the night!

  5. Love the defined brows and the bold red lips with neutral makeup. You can't go wrong wearing red lips, something I didn't dare to do until not long ago. Happy New Year Tatiana and wishing you the best for 2015 just because you deserve it. xoxo, Jeannette

  6. I agree that sexy wavy hair is a perfect look for New Year's Eve, it's classic and gorgeous, and when worn with equally matched makeup the outcome can be lovely! Fabulous post and not just for NYE, great tips for any special occasion! :)


  7. Love love love red lips! They are always fabulous and wonderful!

    Thanks so much for linking up with Tremendous Tuesday! I hope you are able to stop by again tomorrow!

    Hugs! Amber

  8. I will always love the mix of sparkles with a sweater and wishing you more power to all your 2015 endeavors!


  9. I really want an excuse to start rocking red lips... we spent our new years eve in the middle of no where, relaxing on the river so it wouldn't work then. I need another great excuse now! :) Thank you so much for joining J and me for the Celebrate Southern Linkup! Cheers and Happy New Year! :)

  10. red lips and metallic eyes is my go-to look for new years(: It really never fails!

  11. How about a combination of all above? Would be lovely!
