My Blogger Poses Recap

<Duck faces are permitted>

One of the tasks I love as a blogger is to “play model”.  It’s where I develop my creativity, and it can become a challenge if you are a camera shy.  Therefore, with lots of practice, I have built my confidence.  I have also learnt to laugh about myself in a funny and positive way, and not to take myself too seriously.  Bloggers have to be creative at every photo shooting, and sometimes we run out of poses.

I want to share with you my blogger poses recap.  If you are a blogger, I am sure you will relate to some of them.

At the same time, It’s a way to remember my amazing year as a blogger, and looking through the pictures of the year makes me remember to appreciate the hard work and dedication that both of us (my hubby and I) put on this blog.  As I am not a model and he is not a professional photographer (and we don’t want to be, we have totally opposite careers) - this is just a challenge for both of us that we decided to put our heart into, and we keep learning together.

Thank you for being part of my 2014, Happy New Year 2015!


Una de las tareas que me gustan como bloggera es "jugar a ser modelo”. De esta forma desarrollo mi creatividad, y puede llegar a ser un desafío si se es muy tímida ante la cámara. Por lo tanto, con mucha práctica, he incrementado mi confianza.  También he aprendido a reírme de mí misma de una manera divertida y positiva, y a no tomarme demasiado en serio. Las bloggeras tenemos que ser creativas en cada sesión de fotos, y algunas veces nos quedamos cortas de poses.

Quiero compartir con ustedes mi recapitulación de poses. Si eres una bloggera, estoy segura de que te vas a relacionar con alguna de ellas.

Al mismo tiempo, es una manera de recordar mi increíble año como bloggera, y mirando las fotos de este año me hace recordar y apreciar el trabajo, y la dedicación que mi esposo y yo ponemos en este blog. Como yo no soy modelo y él no es fotógrafo profesional (y no queremos serlo, pues tenemos carreras totalmente opuestas) - esto es sólo un desafío para nosotros dos que hemos decidido poner nuestro corazón, y seguimos aprendiendo juntos.

 Gracias por ser parte de mi 2014, Feliz Año Nuevo 2015 para ustedes!

"Angelina Jolie peek-a-boo leg"
"It's inevitable to strike a famous" Angelina Jolie peek-a-boo leg pose" if you have an open leg dress" ;)

"The Diva Pose"
"That moment when you feel so confident to rock that Beyoncé pose" ;D

"Just a nervous tic"
"I can't help to fix my hair or beanie when I am nervous" ;D

"No thigh gap, No problem"
You don't have to starve yourself to fit into that (thigh gap) category. Just cross those legs and problem solved" ;)

"After 100 shoots and 98 fails, you finally got that being-chased-by-a-paparazzi look" ;D

"The clueless pose"
No, I don't have an arm pain. Bloggers just run out of poses. This is an example. ;D
Left | Right

Check out my weekly blog link up here

Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment, I appreciate the love! 

With Love,

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  1. haha I love your comments on each one. The arm pain one made me laugh out loud. I never even would have thought that until I read that. So funny! You definitely have the "at ease in front of a camera look" going for you. I still haven't really developed that.

  2. hahahahaha love your sense of humor, I make fun of myself with these poses all the time lol.


  3. Hahaha I could totally relate to the clueless poses - you're always so fun & chic!!! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!!!


  4. You are such a gorgeous and photogenic lady Tatiana. My favorites would have to be the Angelina peek-a-boo leg and the Clueless poses. Loved reading this post.

    Happy 2015 Gorgeous!

    <3 Ada.

  5. LOL!! This is so fun!! I love the commentary and the outfit recap that goes along with this post. So many great looks throughout the year. I totally admire you girls who learn how to pose and make it look normal and natural. You always look AMAZING Tatiana!
    Gina - On the Daily Express

  6. Haha! What a fun post! I love your commentary! Have a Happy New Year!

    Doused In Pink

  7. This is so fun and perfect! You always look amazing and pose perfectly! Can I steal a few of these poses? :)

  8. Delightful recap, very cute, I love all the poses and outfits of course. Rachel xo

  9. Ha! What a clever post! Hope you had a wonderful holiday!! -xx


  10. YOu look great Tatianna no matter what the pose! Honestly, I think i have 3. I need to think of more poses, but it is tough!!! I enjoy your blog and your style and wanted to wish you Happy New YEar... best wishes
    from the link up,
    please stop by, jess xx

  11. Definitely relatable. This is such a great post, and so funny. You still look amazing in all of them though!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  12. You are so cute! I often feel so self conscious in front of the camera that I don't really have a pose. I just stand there and smile! Your poses are fun!

  13. Heeee, love this post! Laughed out loud at the "Bloggers just run out of poses" quip -- so funny! I've noticed some trends in my own poses -- and even created a "blogger poses" tag on my blog at . Visiting from the Sophisticated Style linkup :)

    Jen @ Librarian for Life + Style

  14. Ha ha ha!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this and can relate to all of it. The arm pain one was hysterical! Great looks in 2014 and I can't wait to see what's in store for 2015. Wishing you and your hubby a fantastic and prosperous New Year, Tatiana! xoxo ;-)

  15. So cute!! you are so adorable! I am doing a FREE BURBERRY fragrance giveaway if you want to enter!!

  16. This was super fun to read thru! Not to mention the great the looks. Have a Happy New Year, Tatiana! ~Cynthia

  17. Ha, I love how you have named the poses. You always look stunning. I've loved following along this year! Happy 2015.

    Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  18. What a fun wrap-up of poses! It's good to be able to try different things and have a good sense of humour and laugh at yourself :)

    Hope you have a very happy new year! :)

    Away From The Blue

  19. You always look gorgeous ! Happy New Year :) x

  20. is definitely hard to come up with new poses so that you are not stuck in the same look! Great roundup.

    Thrifting Diva

  21. Hahaha I love this post!! As a lifestyle blogger who dabbles with a random fashion post every now and then - you nailed it. I may try to copy some of these poses but will not be able to pull them off like you! :) Thank you so much for joining J and me for the Celebrate Southern Linkup! Cheers and Happy New Year! :)

  22. Please have more pose with your little cute dog!

  23. Haha! I LOVE this, Tatiana! I know exactly how you feel when it comes to posing. Great post, love!
    xo! J.Frost

  24. This post was sooo cute and soo funny!!! I actually think I may have picked up a pose or two too. I get super nervous in front of the camera but I guess practice makes perfect. Can't wait to try "papa paparazzi". Looks like the key is to just look slight away from the camera like it's not even there. LOL
